for what it's worth, Jurriaan is new to pen-l and posts a lot of stuff that seems new 
to me. And then some complain that he posts too much!

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Sabri Oncu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Sat 8/30/2003 9:49 PM 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: Re: [PEN-L] [Fwd: FW: Empire of Capital by Ellen Meiksins Wood]

        > It is hard for me to get any sense whether pen-l has
        > attracted new subscribers in the past couple of years
        > since it seems like the same-old same-old who post.
        I have the same feeling. Why so? Why is it that we don't hear from new
        voices but hear about more or less the same "stuff" over and over again
        from the same people, including myself?
        "What is to be done" to change that?

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