How do I go about "earning it"?

Gene Coyle

Kenneth Campbell wrote:
I wrote:

You cannot let people have time... Yet I can think of
nothing I would treasure more.

Just to make sure I was clear, there...

I do not mean the time one gets from calling in sick, or from getting
unemployment, or from welfare, or from being derelict... Nor do I mean
the time one gets from "owning one's own small biz" (and the sleepless
nights before certain destitution, real or imagined)... these are all
worm-ridden with anxiety and a sense of worthlessness or

I mean "time" that is understood as yours. You own it. You earned it.
And you don't have to apologize for it.


The Sun, with all those Planets revolving around it and
dependent on it, will still ripen a bunch of grapes as
if it had nothing else in the Universe to do.
          -- Galileo


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