Bill Lear wrote:
> >These sound like tiny improvements, but they are STILL improvements.
> Oh?  And why do the body counts say the opposite?  Jimmy Carter's smile
> and peaceful rhetoric cloak a holy murderer.
> > [CLIPPED: Some incoherent passage from K.C. that I can't construe.]
> Again, do the math yourself --- a realistic standard.  The numbers
> don't lie.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I find it rather depressing that anyone on the left should offer any
defense of Carter whatever. After all, Carter bears rather more
responsibility for the present war than Bush does. Apparently it really
works to "Smile and smile and be a villain."

It almost seems that some of us have become so despondent that we are
willing to say, "O.K., go on with your mass slaughters, but please do it
with a smaile and good grammar."

If for no other reason, out of minimal respect for the life of Bishop
Romero leftists should refrain from defending his murderer.

Carter was, really, _that_ bad.


> Bill

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