Soula writes: 
> that democratic centralism and Hegel are simple
> anomalies unrelated to his thought is rather
> strange.

JKS writes:>Although I think the anti-Hegelian view is wrong it
has a respectable pedigree. Althusser madea  career
out of arguing that MArx was no Hegelian.<

methinks that the bit about Marx being anti-Hegelian and not having even read key 
works by
Hegel was a joke, an effort to twit the Hegelian Marxists, some of whom have too great 
a sense of self-importance. 

Also, I agree with JKS that "democratic centralism" has no organic link to Marx's 
thought. On the
left, it comes from people as Babeuf and Blanqui, from Lasalle and the German Social 
In practice, "democratic centralism" is an oxymoron in many cases.

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