Jurriaan Bendien wrote:

Presumably, they would do that only
if for example they were sure that they had job security, or if they gained
a rise in pay, and so on. And that cuts out a lot of people already, because
we know there is a lot of job insecurity.

No. It's not a rational thing. Until very lately, people who had hi-tech
jobs thought that a job and at least a 5% raise a year was theirs for
the asking, forever. Now, they're finding out otherwise. But it doesn't
really matter because once you get used to a certain "lifestyle" you
feel like a failure if you don't keep it up....so you refinance. And,
let's face it, life in the U.S. is mostly about consumption. So people
consume. My ex-sister in law, whom I weaned off heroin seven years ago
is a truck-driver, plagued by stints on disablity, but she's on her
second mortgage, and every time I go and visit, she's got a bigger TV
and more crap. It was all captured perfectly in a New Yorker cartoon a
couple of weeks ago: wife and husband are sitting in the living room;
their tv takes up an entire wall. They are sitting in front of it, and
one says to the other "So, dear, what shall we do tonight?"

I think we're headed for real trouble, but Doug thinks I'm being a lefty
doomsayer and that capital is a lot more robust than we suspect. We'll see.


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