----- Original Message -----
From: "Sara Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Stop Miami Parade and Demo Ordinance --Protect Free Speech During FTAA

 This Thursday, November 13, the Miami City Commission will vote on an
ordinance to change current regulations that govern parades,
demonstrations, rallies and assemblies with the purpose of stifling the
voices of the thousands of people - students, union members, activists,
farmers and many other individuals - from around the Americas and the
world who will be coming to South Florida to engage in peaceful,
permitted protests at the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
ministerial to be held next week in  Miami.

 An earlier version of the ordinance was thwarted by strong public
opposition.  While some of the most outrageous provisions have been
eliminated since the original ordinance was first introduced, serious
restrictions on First Amendment rights remain.  The ordinance interferes
with people's constitutionally guaranteed rights of association and
expression by providing extremely broad, but vague definitions of
"public assembly" and "parade" and then subjecting such gatherings to an
array of new prohibitions. The end result: if the ordinance is passed,
police will have enormous discretion in their application of the law,
which will give them free reign to discriminate against those who are
visibly voicing their opposition to the FTAA.

 The undemocratic nature of this ordinance is in keeping with the
undemocratic nature of the FTAA itself. Under the rules that would be
imposed by the FTAA, decision-making power on economic, social and
cultural policies, as well as national development plans will be
transferred to transnational corporations and investors and away from
local communities.

 Given that the FTAA Ministerial is almost upon us, it's urgent that
concerned citizens all over the country immediately contact Miami city
officials to voice their opposition to this unconstitutional measure.

Click here to send a free fax to Miami Mayor Manuel A. Diaz and
Commission Chair Johnny L. Winton:


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