Castro has a great sense of humor and gives great interviews. In one of
the interviews you mention, he is asked whether there could be a
socialist revolution in the U.S. He denies the possibility citing the
undermining power of advertising on Americans' ability to desire
something (for example, social revolution) and pursue unswervingly. "How
can they?" I remember him asking, "When they are being told every five
minutes that they want something else, and something else..."


Jurriaan Bendien wrote:

The Fidel Castro article I referred to was actually by Fernando Morais, in
Penthouse, December 1978 issue (a collector's item these days). Tad Szulc
wrote mainly on American subversion of foreign governments as I recall,
although he later also published a biography of Castro. Oui magazine also
featured an interview with Castro in January 1975. Playboy published an
interview with Castro by Lee Lockwood (pseud.) in January 1967 and again in
August 1985. Here's an excerpt from  the 1985 interview:
PLAYBOY: Let's end on a note of imagination. Here is something truly
wonderful from your point of view: Suppose the U.S. canceled Latin America's
foreign debt, as you propose, and offered substantial aid to boot - in other
words, offered to treat the hemisphere with the fairness you think it
deserves. What would you do then? Reassess your views?
CASTRO: If the United States were to spontaneously do what you say - if such
an inherently selfish, neocolonialist system were capable of that generosity
- a real miracle would have taken place, and I would have to start
on that phenomenon. I might even have to consult some theologians and revise
some of my opinions in that field. If that were to happen, I might even
enter a monastery.



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