--- joanna bujes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Ballard wrote:
> This is probably not the forum to be discussing
> these
> issues.
> I wonder why not, wife beating is a very economic
> issue: in those
> cultures where women can support themselves, wife
> beating becomes less
> and less of an issue because women can walk away. In
> cultures where
> women cannot earn enough to keep their families,
> state intervention
> means nothing because most women would rather suffer
> than let their kids
> starve while hubby sits in jail.
> I have never been hit. I think the fact that I'm
> fairly tall (5'9")
> helps. All the women I know who were used as
> punching bags are small:
> 5'4" or smaller. Says a lot about those big tough
> guys, doesn't it?
> Expletive deleted.
> Joanna

Yes, and I think that smallness has a lot to do with
adult abuse of children and how that particular, very
deeply rooted practice of dominance and submission,
flows into the web of social relations in general,
especially social relations in class society.  Those
with power have it to *some* degree because of our
learned acquiescence to the powers we encounter when
we're born.

Heilige Scheisse!

Mike B)

"Freedom is what we make of it. If we stand against repression, authority and 
illegitimate structures, we are expanding the domain of freedom and that's what 
freedom will be. That's what we create; there is nothing to define in words."
-- Noam Chomsky

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