--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I think that there is room for a lot of improvement
> on
> the issue child rearing.  All the societies which I
> know of, contain an element of hierarchical power,
> even the preliterate, classless ones.
> Non-democratic
> hierarchical power is always abusive as far as I'm
> concerned.  As Marx remarked somewhere, the first
> division of this kind of power relation was between
> men and women--pre-existing class society.  On
> reflection, I thought that I would include children
> in
> this dynamic, ergo that reflection which got this
> whole thread started.
> Comment
> Could you quote the source of Marx statement please
> . . . because I thought
> he was talking about the division of labor and the
> subsequent evolution of
> property forms and not "hierarchical power."

Hi Melvin,

1844 Paris Manuscripts, Marx makes a major point of
the relationship between the sexes: "The infinite
degradation in which man exists for himself is
expressed in this relation to the woman,"

There are also observations of this sort in his
Ethnological Notebooks.  Some discussion of this
unpublished work can be found here:


I do think that authority can be justified in many,
many cases, such as telling a child not to cross the
street because of oncoming traffic or when a language
teacher is being *given* the authority to impart
knowledge by the student.  That kind of authority is
mutually beneficial, mutually power enhancing.  It is
a recognition of mastery, not an obedient response to
imposed power i.e. my freedom is based on your

I'm also in agreement that the basic division of
labour in society, which you point out, was an
historical necessity for human development. It is now
time to *sublate* many of those forms of authority and
divisions of labour because they have gone from being
necessary to being a fetter on our further freedom.

Wobbly greetings,
Mike B)

"Freedom is what we make of it. If we stand against repression, authority and 
illegitimate structures, we are expanding the domain of freedom and that's what 
freedom will be. That's what we create; there is nothing to define in words."
-- Noam Chomsky

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