Shane Mage wrote:
> Michael wrote:
> >Lakoff's framing is very important.  We don't know how to do it -- at
> >least I have not figured out how.
> But it's the simplest thing in the world--always has been.  Just
> establish virtually monopoly control over all the means of
> mass communication. Good luck.  :-)

I frequently disagree with Shane, but I think his explanation here is
correct and all other explanations are not only false but are serious
obstructions to building a mass movement. All the other posts in this
list seem to me to be utterly defeatist, in so far as they seem to
assume that "left" means getting votes for the reactionary DP.

I haven't thrown away a career and spent thousands of hours (and $) over
the last 35 years just to moan about how the DP campaigns.


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