Doug Henwood wrote:
> Carrol Cox wrote:
> >Doug Henwood wrote:
> >>
> >>  Carrol Cox wrote:
> >>
> >>  >You mean that there will come a wonderful day when, having gone to bed
> >>  >voting for the DP, we awaken the next morning to a glorious dawn of
> >>  >class consciousness. Wow!
> >>
> >>  If that day doesn't come, will there be a day when we go to bed not
> >>  having voted for the DP, but done things unspecified, we awaken to a
> >>  glorious dawn of class consciousness? Could you flesh out those
> >>  things unspecified?
> >
> >Put my comment back in the context of the precise post it was responding
> >to.
> I've been reading your stuff for years, and I still can't figure out
> your idea of a political strategy. On the one hand, you - correctly,
> I think - invoke the importance of a mass movement, but on the other
> you say it can't be built by "converting" the nonradical to the
> cause. So I'm completely mystified as to how this essential mass
> movement can come into being, other than by some political equivalent
> of spontaneous combustion.
> Doug

I think you may honestly be ignorant of political history, and thus
actually can't understand that what I advocate is absolutely nothing
new, but what every single left movement of any momentum whatever, from
local reforms to successful overthrow of the state, has always

It is simply bizarre to divide the population into the "radical" and the
"non-radical." And if you can't see how bizarre that is, I can't help


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