Jurriaan Bendien wrote:

All the same, the number of prisoners in the US just keeps rising. All you
can really conclude is that Americans love to meet out punishment, even
although behavioural and criminological research shows that punishment is a
strategy that is less likely to cause behavioural change than other
strategies. The question then is what the motive for punishment really is -
does it, perhaps, seek to prevent real behavioural changes actually
occurring ?

Leaving aside speculations about American's simple mindedness and thirst
for revenge, I'd just like to note that correctional jobs remain some of
the best paid unskilled work in the U.S. In fact, a lot of the folks who
lost their manufacturing jobs wound up being prison guards. The job is
relatively secure, well paid, and will not be outsourced.  It creates
jobs, doncha know....the ultimate "ethical" argument, since as we all
know, we live to work and arbeit macht frei.


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