It's scarier to keep the prisons in the U.S. It's like having beggars on
the street; of course we can afford to feed them and shelter them...but
then we'd lose that deterrent quality. The point about prisons is that
they make prisoners of both the people inside and the people outside.


Prisons are built with stones of law;
Brothels, with bricks of religion.


Devine, James wrote:

Joanna writes:> ... I'd just like to note that correctional jobs remain some of
the best paid unskilled work in the U.S. In fact, a lot of the folks who
lost their manufacturing jobs wound up being prison guards. The job is
relatively secure, well paid, and will not be outsourced.  It creates
jobs, doncha know....the ultimate "ethical" argument, since as we all
know, we live to work and arbeit macht frei.



why can't prison jobs be outsourced? can't China (for example) compete in the world prison-services 
market? we ship them our "miscreants" and they "reform" them for pennies on the dollar.
Jim D.

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