Thanks Doug.  I will look at what Judith Butler has
written on the subject mentioned in my questions.  The
way you have summarized her views, they seem to mesh
pretty closely with my own readings and
interpretations of Freud, Reich, Fromm and Marcuse.

Mike B)
--- Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Ballard wrote:
> >Why *don't* the proles revolt?  After all,
> capitalism
> >is way past its "use-by" date by now.  That's
> >demonstrated on this list daily by the countless,
> >excellent news articles posted.
> >
> >Could this condition originate in a conservative
> >psychological character structure rooted in the
> >upbringing of individuals within societies where
> the
> >monogamous-paternalistic family, private property
> and
> >the State permeate social relations?
> Or, if you want to take it further, there's Judith
> Butler's argument
> - rooted in that silly doctrine called
> psychoanalysis - that subjects
> are formed in subjection (through deference to
> authority figures,
> like parents, and their successors, like language
> and law), and that
> attitude of deference to authority persists through
> life, for fear of
> the disintegration of the subject.
> Doug

Each day a few more lies eat into the
seed with which we are born, little
institutional lies from the print of
newspapers, the shock waves of
television, and the sentimental
cheats of the movie screen.

Norman Mailer

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