----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Perelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

a week or so ago, Jim D. made the point with which I agree that some of
the Democrats
differ from the Republicans in that they take a larger time horizon.
Also, they can
represent different factions.  Historically, the Democrats favored Savings
and Loans;
the Republicans, banks.

But what do we have to gain by debating whether John Kerry is a real
progressive or
not?  I think we are all agreed on the answer.  I don't think anybody's
mind would be
changed whether it makes sense to support Anyone But Bush or not.


Amen. Isn't the following every damn bit as important as which factions of
the rich get to run and ruin a big slice of the North American continent
while making life horrendous for the rest of us on the planet?

ARGENTINA and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) go back a long way. In
1991, Argentina's foreign minister famously declared that he was seeking
"carnal relations" with Washington. The White House never fully requited
this desire. But the IMF has been in and out of bed with Argentina ever
since, offering advice (between 1991 and 2002, it sent around 50 missions
to the country) and money (at the beginning of this year, Argentina owed
the IMF $16 billion). In December 2001, of course, the couple endured the
messiest of break-ups. The IMF stopped pouring money into the defence of
Argentina's indefensible currency peg (at parity with the dollar);
Argentina defaulted, devalued the peso, and descended into economic and
political turmoil. Now the terms of its relationship with the Fund are
once again in flux.

Last September, the IMF agreed to lend Argentina $13.5 billion, handed out
in stages over three years, to help the country repay past loans. In
return, Argentina would reform its economy and negotiate in good faith
with the private creditors who hold $88 billion of sovereign debt it no
longer services. Next month, the IMF will review its progress and decide
whether or not to hand over the next slice of the funds. But Argentina is
not waiting passively for the Fund's approval. Néstor Kirchner, the
country's fiery president, has threatened not to repay $3 billion due to
the Fund on March 9th unless the IMF guarantees to keep sending the

Such brinkmanship has become a habit for Mr Kirchner. In September, he
temporarily defaulted on a $2.9 billion payment due to the Fund. His
punishment? That $13.5 billion loan on relatively cushy terms. By
threatening to default on the IMF again, Mr Kirchner clearly feels he can
retain the upper hand in their relationship.

Mr Kirchner has proven equally high-handed with the country's private
creditors. He has offered to give them 25 cents-worth of fresh bonds for
every dollar of Argentine debt they hold. Pricing in unpaid interest and
the riskiness of the new bonds, bondholders face a "haircut" of 90% off
the full value of what they are owed. Until this week, Mr Kirchner also
kept the price of electricity and other utilities frozen at rates that
made sense only when the peso was still worth one dollar, not 34 cents as
it is now-despite inflation of around 40% in recent times. This amounts to
a default on contractual promises made to those utilities' shareholders.

Argentina's close-cropped creditors are outraged by their treatment. Some
are threatening to seize Argentine assets abroad. German creditors tried
to lay claim to an Argentine naval vessel. An Italian wanted to seize Mr
Kirchner's presidential jet. A Japanese investor reportedly has his eye on
parts of Patagonia, the southern Argentine region from which Mr Kirchner
hails. Earlier this month, NML Capital, an investor based in the Cayman
Islands which holds $172m in Argentine debt, won court orders to freeze
properties owned by the Argentine government in Washington, DC, and

Such gestures, however, are more an expression of creditors' anger than a
serious attempt to recoup their losses. Without an army to back it up, a
creditor will find most of a sovereign state's assets out of reach. Prior
to a default, as James Carville, a former adviser to President Bill
Clinton, has said, the bond market can intimidate anyone. Governments,
keen to borrow on favourable terms, will go to great lengths to maintain
their good standing in the capital markets. After a default, however, a
government no longer has any standing to worry about. It has nothing left
to lose.

What is at stake for Argentina is the timing and the terms of its
re-admittance to the global capital markets. But Argentina is in no rush.
Its current leaders complain that it has wasted much of the past decade
trying to make the country safe for foreign investors. By binding itself
to a currency board, pegging the peso to the dollar, Argentina let the ebb
and flow of foreign capital dictate its booms, of which it enjoyed two,
and its busts, the last of which persisted for four years. Now, shut off
from world capital markets, its economy is growing again, by 8.4% last
year, according to preliminary figures released on Thursday February 19th.

Without foreign investment, particularly to rebuild the financial sector,
this rebound will eventually run out of steam. But Mr Kirchner seems
willing to enjoy it while it lasts. Besides, foreigners are not the only
ones with money overseas. Argentines themselves are reckoned to have
stashed $100 billion abroad. Before bidding for new foreign capital to
flow in, Mr Kirchner will want to tempt back old Argentine capital that
has flown out.

Certainly, Mr Kirchner, unlike Mr Carville, does not seem very intimidated
by the bond market. His tough offer of 25 cents on the dollar was seen by
many as an opening gambit, though he has since declared it "unmovable".
Repaying Argentina's debts, he has said, means "paying with the sweat and
toil of the people". Foreign bondholders don't vote, and Mr Kirchner is
reluctant to repay them with the sweat and toil of the people who do. Mr
Kirchner's tough stance has driven away some of the banks that might have
managed the debt restructuring on his behalf. Three banks-Merrill Lynch,
UBS and Barclays Capital-have now come on board, but nine others,
including Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase, refused to take the job,
doubtful that it stood any chance of success.

For most private creditors, the IMF remains their best hope of a better
deal. It does not officially represent their interests. Indeed, some claim
its interests conflict with theirs: the more money Argentina pledges to
its private bondholders, the less it has available to repay the Fund. On
the other hand, the IMF cannot remain oblivious to their complaints. Under
its rules, it can lend money to a defaulter only if the defaulter is
negotiating in "good faith" with its other creditors.

In the past week, Mr Kirchner has tried to show somewhat better faith by
allowing gas and electricity rates to rise for industrial and commercial
customers and by reportedly looking into ways of sweetening his offer to
creditors, perhaps by letting them have their unpaid interest after all.
There is no "magic litmus test" of good faith, says the IMF, but Mr
Kirchner has surely been testing its limits. Whether he will continue to
do so will become clearer over the coming weeks.

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