dmschanoes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Peter Hollings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [PEN-L] dems, etc
> The mandatory service bill is a poison pill.  It will make unjustified war
> unpopular and unsustainable.
> Peter Hollings
> ________________________
> And that is the single best reason for supporting reinstatement of the
> draft.

No. It is true that the draft will make our work easier. Nevertheless
part of our work is resisting the draft. That is not particularly
contradictory either. The purpose of the draft is to enable efficient
imperial war. We can't support that just because it will give us good
slogans. If you want to you can secretly hope that despite our
resistance the draft will be implemented. Just as you can secretly  hope
that wherever u.s. troops are sent there will be heavy u.s. casualties.
But that really doesn't make very good agitational material. And
objectively [that horrid word] what you are doing if you support
reinstatement of the draft is supporting the death of draftees. The
draft won't make our work easy unless it really hurts those who are
drafted and their friends, relatives, neighbors, and only heavy
casualties among draftees will do that. Mere experience of military
service by everyone will have no effect on our work.


> dms

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