NY Times, February 21, 2004
Democrats United in Asking That Nader Not Enter Race

Some of Ralph Nader's best friends are desperately trying to persuade him
not to run for president this year.

The left-leaning Nation magazine has pleaded in an open letter, "Don't
Run." And yesterday Senator John Kerry's campaign delivered a not-so-subtle
statement: "It is important that we remain united in November and rally
behind the Democratic nominee, whoever that may be."

The Kerry campaign's appeal was just one in another frenzy of calls
yesterday for Mr. Nader to sit this one out, prompted by the announcement
by a Nader aide that he would reveal his intentions Sunday.

Terry McAuliffe, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said he
had met with Mr. Nader several times to ask him not to run. "I'm urging
everybody to talk to Ralph Nader," he said in a television interview Friday
on CNN.

Ever since Mr. Nader set up a presidential exploratory committee a couple
of months ago, Democrats have reacted viscerally to the idea. Many contend
that if he had not run in 2000 Al Gore would be president, and that Mr.
Nader could get in the way of a Democratic victory this year as well.

In January Mr. Nader said that he would make a run only if he were
convinced that he had enough money and volunteers to be credible. But close
associates of Mr. Nader said they feared that despite so much outcry
against a run - there is even a liberal Web site called RalphDontRun.net -
he may just make one.

"As I said in 2000, he's one of the most stubborn men in America," said
Joan Claybrook, a close friend of his and head of Public Citizen, a group
that Mr. Nader founded.

full: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/21/politics/campaign/21NADE.html


Nader's nadir
Even many of his former allies don't support maverick Ralph Nader's
presidential bid. And more mainstream Democrats aren't just mad -- they're

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Eric Boehlert

Feb. 21, 2004  |  Word that Ralph Nader will formally announce his plan to
run for president this weekend as an independent stirred harsh words and
emotions not just among Democrats, but even among the leftists and
independents who supported Nader four years ago. Facing an election that
they regard as the most crucial in decades, they're stunned and angry that
Nader has decided to reprise his third-party candidacy from 2000, which
played such a crucial role in siphoning votes away from then Vice President
Al Gore and handing the election to George W. Bush.

"It's hypocrisy of the highest level. It's egotism of the highest level.
It's dishonesty of the highest level to say 'I'm running as an
independent,' when all he's doing is helping elect Bush, and he knows it,"
says Elizabeth Holtzman, former New York City congresswoman and U.S.
district attorney. "He's nothing but a shill for George Bush. A shill,

full: http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/02/21/nader/index.html

Louis Proyect
Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

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