Michael Hoover wrote:

'best' reason why nader shouldn't run is that he is stone cold bore...

But at least he has the nerve to stand up to Communist Chinese tyranny and those corporate purveyors of porn to children!

perhaps he should go back to doing what he does best,
what mainstream (specifically, 'rational choice') poli sci people call
'political entrepreneur', takes lead in setting up and operating groups,
lets others 'free ride' to give appearance of broad-based support,
political activity akin to 'business decision', nader as 'founder' of
interest group lobbies/'astroturf' political orgs is 'good investment',
nader as candidate is 'bad investment'...

He lost a lot of trial lawyer funding, according to Thomas Burke (check out my interview with him at <http://www.leftbusinessobserver.com/Radio.html>; scroll down to the Dec 19 2002 show). They're steamed that he cost Gore the election (their perception, not mine).


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