>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/20/04 8:08 PM >>>
Doug lives in New York:
*****   NEW YORK
BUSH  2,403,374 (35.2%)
GORE  4,107,697 (60.2%)
NADER   244,030  (3.6%)
OTEHRS   66,898  (1.0%)
<http://www.presidentelect.org/e2000.html>   *****
Joanna lives in California:
BUSH   4,567,429 (41.7%)
GORE   5,861,203 (53.4%)
NADER    418,707  (3.8%)
OTHERS   118,517  (1.1%)
<http://www.presidentelect.org/e2000.html>   *****
Why waste two perfectly good votes and vote for Kerry when you have no
reason to?  It makes much more sense if you try to double the Green
Party votes in New York and California -- you'll have a more powerful
and energetic Green Party _and_ a Democratic President.

above corresponds to position i've held for as long as i can remember
(and, no doubt, have expressed on elists) - there is no national prez
election, electoral college mean that there are 50 state prez elections
(actually as many as 3000 given that county elections officers determine
ballot structure, so much for equal protection, but that's another
matter), my 'popular vote' has no relationship to such votes in any
other state...   michael hoover (who lives in florida where - for number
of reasons - evil of two lessers came into play in 2000)

As I've argued on another (LBO) list, this is a decisive argument against the idea that a Nader or Green campaign would help Ubu: "For those of us who find it more comforting to act *as if* this was a real election (and I haven't yet excluded myself from that category) the rational course would be to promote the strongest possible alternative candidacy and then, in late October, organize a one-to-two or three trade-off of (say) Nader votes in close states (say Florida, Missouri, Ohio) for Dumbocrat votes in uncontested states like California, New York, Texas, Indiana, Mississippi, etc."

Shane Mage

"When we read on a printed page the doctrine of Pythagoras that all
things are made of numbers, it seems mystical, mystifying, even
downright silly.

When we read on a computer screen the doctrine of Pythagoras that all
things are made of numbers, it seems self-evidently true."  (N.

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