Any sweeping change in technology is not without its challenges.
The Election Technology Council understands that while DRE systems offer the American public substantial advantages, it is natural that questions about the security of these newer systems will be asked. The ETC is ready, willing and able to work with government election officials, academia, and industry in identifying, developing and disseminating improvements to election systems environment. Such improvements may involve equipment standards, system testing, election day operations, voter registration, integration of other ballot types (provisional, phone, mail, absentee, military), auditability and other factors. The member companies of the Election Technology Council are committed to the election systems marketplace, to product improvement and to meeting customer needs as they evolve. Launched on December 9, 2003, the Election Technology Council is a group of leading election systems vendors. The ETC will work to educate lawmakers, election officials, voters and other key constituencies about the significant benefits of electronic voting. At the same time, the Council recognizes that it must also address issues as they arise concerning the trustworthiness of DRE systems specifically and public perceptions of the electronic voting sector generally. To this end, the Council's initial projects with focus in three areas: A code of ethics for electronic voting system vendors; recommendations in the area of national standards and certification for DRE systems; security best practices.