Well, gosh darn it, he's right! The rich need more money and the poor
need more work and or work skills.

If you disagree, I've got a bumpersticker for you: black/red/white. It says

JOBS for the RICH
MONEY for the POOR

I made it up eight years ago as a non-so-subtle attempt at counter
propaganda. It's free. Just tell me where to mail it.


Devine, James wrote:

I wonder if Paul Krugman is embarrassed to appear on the same op-ed page
as this fellow:

March 2, 2004/New York TIMES
More Than Money

If the polls are to be believed, this could be the last day of John
Edwards's presidential campaign. But before we bid him adieu, it's time
for one last ladling of praise and blame.

Edwards deserves some praise because he is the only major candidate who
talks consistently about the poor. The problem is that he talks about
poverty in an obsolete way, which suggests he has learned nothing from
the past 40 years.

Edwards talks about poverty in economic terms. He vows to bring jobs
back to poor areas and restrict trade to protect industries. He suggests
that if we could take money from the rich and special interests, there'd
be more for the underprivileged.

This kind of talk is descended from Marxist theory, which holds that we
live in the thrall of economic conditions. What the poor primarily need
is more money, the theory goes.

The core assumption is that economic forces determine culture and shape
behavior. As William Julius Wilson wrote in "The Truly Disadvantaged,"
"If ghetto underclass minorities have limited aspirations, a hedonistic
orientation toward life or lack of plans for the future, such outlooks
ultimately are the result of restricted opportunities and feelings of
resignation originating from bitter personal experiences and a bleak

Conservatives, on the other hand, believe that liberals have it
backward. In reality, culture shapes economics. A person's behavior
determines his or her economic destiny. If people live in an environment
that fosters industriousness, sobriety, fidelity, punctuality and
dependability, they will thrive. But the Great Society welfare system
encouraged or enabled bad behavior, and popular culture glamorizes

We've now had a 40-year experiment to determine which side is right, and
while both arguments have merit, it's clear the conservatives have a
more accurate view of poverty.

For decades welfare programs funneled money to the disadvantaged, but
families dissolved and poverty rates remained stubbornly high. Then the
nation switched tack in the mid-1990's, embracing policies that demanded
work. Many liberals made a series of horrifying predictions about what
welfare reform would do to the poor. These predictions, based on the
paleoliberal understanding of poverty, were extravagantly wrong.

Now many scholars from across the political spectrum agree that money
alone will not significantly improve the lives of poor families. "Not
only does behavior matter," Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institution
wrote in The Public Interest last year, "it matters more than it used
to. Growing gaps between the rich and poor in recent decades have been
exacerbated by a divergence in the behavior of the two groups." If you
graduate from high school, wait until marriage to have kids and work
full time (at whatever job), it is almost certain that you will not
remain poor.

Sawhill's research indicates that we could double the amount we spend on
welfare programs, and we would not make an important dent in poverty.
But if we could somehow give people the inner resources they need to
hold onto a job, and bring illegitimacy rates back to 1970 levels, then
poverty rates would plummet.

There are as many kinds of poverty as there are poor people. As David K.
Shipler writes in his wonderfully observant new book, "The Working
Poor," it takes emotional dexterity to climb out of poverty, as well as
job skills. The poor often have "less agility to navigate around the
pitfalls of a frenetic world driven by technology and competition."

While conservatives were right about the basic nature of poverty,
liberals are right when they point out that simply getting people off
welfare and into the world of work is not enough. Welfare reform means
more single mothers are working, but they are having a hard time making
progress into the middle class. We're going to need support programs to
complete the successes of the 1990's.

All of this is absent from the world Edwards describes on the campaign
trail. It is absent from the populist worldview lately embraced by John
Kerry. President Bush's compassionate conservative agenda, which was
based on the idea that conduct matters most, remains unfulfilled.

We are moving toward a consensus on how to address the diverse problems
that cause poverty. But when you go out on the campaign trail, you find
politicians spreading polarizing disinformation. Edwards is right to
talk about poverty, but by resorting to crude, populist rhetoric, he is
leading in the wrong direction.

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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