>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/16/04 2:02 PM >>>
Even aside from the media question, it's no use denying that name
recognition matters in national politics, even to activists on the
left.  For instance, this is what Doug had to say about Jonathan
Farley, a Green Party leader in Texas: "I've come across very few
people who'd vote for Ralph in November, much less any nonentity like
Jonathan Farley, whoever he is" (at

In my personal opinion, you, Jim, Doug, Lou, Carrol, Michael, and
other PEN-pals are smarter than most better known leftists that I can
think of, but that doesn't mean that more activists will come listen
to you than Nader.
no denial on my part re. name recognition in politics no matter the
level - local,
state, national...

geez, nader could draw 2 activists and he'd top what i'd draw, but do
really need to hear him, seems to me that non-activists need to hear him
(i'd rather they heard folks mentioned above, and you as well)...

my mother is my political barometer and she and her husband are in
anybody but bush camp, she's worried (incorrectly imo) that nader will
help put bush back in white house, folks like her who think that are
much more important than all nation magazine articles and readers
moaning about nader combined...   michael hoover

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