I was able to catch him in Middleburg VA at the founding of the
Associated State Green Parties in 1996, and in Sacramento and Chico
CA in 2000. He's very compelling, funny and scholarly, in my opinion.
When he's finished, you get the sense it is only because time ran
out, not because he ran out of things to say.

Dan Scanlan

Speaking of oratory and style, I am getting the strong sense that the Bush machine will gather momentum over the next few months. They seem to be honing in on Kerry's waffling, which there is no defense against since Kerry *does* waffle. When you get tens of millions of dollars of ads and the hard-core support of the Republican Party base deployed against a centrist candidate whom big business sees no compelling reason to support and whose appeal to working people is that he is "not as bad" as Bush, it is a formula for another 4 years of Bush. It will be a rerun of the Mondale, Dukakis and Gore campaigns. I was no Dean supporter, but at least with Dean you would have had a fight. Kerry is just too much of a centrist and a patrician to really mix it up.

Louis Proyect
Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

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