Title: Message
While Michael is undoubtedly right, university administrations reward those who do research and slight teaching.  But that is no excuse for teachers to neglect their moral responsibility to teach properly and to serve their students.  I think Jim was once a student of mine and I hope he never felt that  I neglected the students for easier paths to money and promotion.  And, if he wants to help his students, he can refer them to my text "Inside Capitalism" where I have almost all of his key words in the index, or at least discussed.;-)

Paul Phillips 
Actually I was never in one of Paul's classes but I never heard from others that he had ever slighted students. I have not read his "Inside Capitalism" but I will order it for sure. Generally speaking, at least in graduate school, I had teachers who enjoyed teaching and who did not put "pop" (publish or perish) above their teaching responsibilities; I generally lucked out at least in my graduate studies.
Jim C.

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