Let's see: the fighters in the streets demanding the withdrawal of US
forces are actually hoping for an extension of US dominated occupation
by displacing other democratic forces that opposed Saddam all along?
What other democratic forces-- those that now sit on the US dominated
governing council?  Chalabi?  He opposed Saddam all along.  He's a
democratic force?  Well he certainly has the credentials, having been
convicted of bank fraud.

Actually it is the line of the U.S. media that the IGC is only composed of Chalabi. Chalabi has no base od support in Iraq. He is no democrat, nor is he capable of anything other than ruling in the name of the Bush administration. But he not the IGC, nor is he the future of Iraq.

This is actually an inter-petty capitalist squabble for power in and
after the handover? That's why there is the growing alliance of Shia and
Sunni forces?  That's why some members of the governing group have
resigned and denounced the US actions as unacceptable and illegal?

This argumentation by rhetorical question actually is starting to clarify the situation.

From my position safely tucked away in NYC, as opposed to your position
dangerously located.........exactly where?, it looks to me like you're
not really talking sensibly.  Just one man's opinion, of course.

I too am safely tucked away here in the U.S. I made no claim to be anywhere else. But I think my point that brave intellectuals in the west who seem to support anything and everything that seems anti-imperalist because it is violent has been made.


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