Last comment on this.  The mobilization of  the general population into
open combat against  an occupying army, and/or its private equivalents,
is fundamentally different than "terrorist" bombings.  It is the
eruption of the social struggle beyond the limits of both "stabilizing"
and "destabilizing" forces, (as if the stabilizing forces weren't the
biggest fomentors of destabilizaton).

It is not just opportunism, not just a mistaken/failure, to confuse or
ignore this critical distinction, it is outright reactionary, giving
credence to the "equal" legitimacy of the occupation.

No democracy is possible with, through the organizations sanctioned by
the occupation.

To preach about democracy while participating in the occupation
government is to give new and true meaning to Hegel's description of
liberalism as a philosophy of the abstract that capitulates before the
world of the concrete.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joel Wendland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Who says they are not involved in the struggle against the occupation?

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