I am afraid I have to diagree on the emergency issue.  It was Mrs.
Gandhi who was solely responsible for the emergency.  But that was in
1975 and lasted until 1977, until she was thrown out, but then she came
back in 1979!  When she realized her populist "garibi hatao" (eliminate
poverty) slogan was exhausted and she recognized that he staunch
supporters within the Congress party were distancing themselves from
her, she essentially grabbed the party power all to herself.  This is
the beginning of the decline of the Cong party (i.e. weakening internal
party democracy).  The BJP is certainly the worse party of the two at
some levels.

Alas, in this country the public has been lulled into complacency by a
strange form of fascist democracy.

Cheers, anthony
Anthony P. D'Costa, Associate Professor
Comparative International Development
University of Washington                        Campus Box 358436
1900 Commerce Street
Tacoma, WA 98402, USA

Phone: (253) 692-4462
Fax :  (253) 692-5718

Response Jim C: When I lived in Kerala, I got a chance to see Congress-I
and the core elements of BJP up close. My village was half Congress-I
and half CP-M and half Hindu and Half Christian. Not only was the
corruption of Congress-I extremely pronounced, but they still had many
of the policies--and continued elements of Emergency Measures--well into
the eighties. The massive forced sterilization campaigns run by
Congress-I (I knew medical students who were coerced into giving forced
vascetomies in dirty tents set up by the Indian Army under the threat of
being removed from medical school) were nothing but out-and-out fascism
(In India, in the late 70s, there was a slogan "Indira hatao, Indiri
bachao" or "abolish Indira and save your genitals" that sort of summed
it up) and inspired by fascist and caste-biased "eugenics".

On the BJP side, you have the core and rather covert elements of Shiv
Sena, RSS and Arya Sammajayam that are out-and-out nazis and preach
"Aryan Supremacy" in language right out of Mein Kampf. They are the real
power brokers and engineers of mass action for the BJP.

As they say in Malayalam: "Yaa-tha-ruu vitthiassum illa" or No real

Jim C.

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