how do the communist live under the baathist? consider fir ins this syrian joke: when the syrian communist party was allowed an office, the sign on the door said 'the syrian CP, owned by the baath party"
but on a more serious note the biggest impedement to any arab cp truly becoming a mass party is its inability to relate culturally to the marginalised and disposessed. 

Grant Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Michael said:

> I don't disagree with you, but I cannot see why we should take this
> group more seriously than Chalabi or other collaborators.

We should take them more seriously because --- unlike Chalabi --- they are
people who have lived in Iraq under Saddam, (something which no doubt has
informed their attitudes to the ex-Ba'ath elements of the resistance) and
they therefore have a better understanding of the dynamics of Iraqi society,
not to mention a much greater ability to generate popular support.


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