Joel Wendland wrote:

west ), but this war is not really like Vietnam nor is it really like Palestine, or whatever comparison is in fashion these days.

Really? Almost the entire Arab and Moslem world sees the US as having the same relationship to the Iraqis as the Zionist entity has toward the Palestinians.

Who is
supporting the "uprising"? What is its ideological orientation? Part of it
is religious fundamentalists; part of it is former Ba'ath Party miltiary

Real politics involves real choices. Your comrades in Iraq have aligned themselves with the most reactionary imperialist power in history. They sit side-by-side with Chalabi, the crook and CIA asset, the rotten Kurdish leadership which sold out the PKK to the Turkish military, and Shi'ite clerics who are every bit as backward as those you disparage. At least Sadr has stood up to imperialism rather than crawl at its feet for some crumbs.

Now who can take seriously a detached left located in the west that
objectively supports one of these options (and it really doesn't matter
which because that western left is only interested seeing the U.S. suffer
military defeats not peace and reconstruction).

I was always under the impression that peace comes only when the US is dealt a military defeat.


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