In Iraq, Flag Design, Too, Comes Under Fire

Published: April 29, 2004

WHEN the government of Qatar, the tiny, oil-rich
emirate, asked Tariq Atrissi last year to design a
logo for it, the mandate was clear: to communicate to
investors and tourists the country's ornate past and
modern aspirations. "How much can you represent a
country by a logo and some colors?" Mr. Atrissi, a
graphic artist of Lebanese origin, recalled thinking.
The symbol he designed combines blue for hospitality;
gold for sand, sun and luxury; and burgundy, Qatar's
national color.

But creating a flag for a country at war is trickier.
The flag unveiled this week by Iraq's United
States-backed governing council was designed to
reflect a forward-looking, inclusive Iraq free of
Saddam Hussein. But many Iraqis have denounced the
design, saying it lacks Islamic imagery and resembles
the blue-and-white color scheme of Israel. In
response, the governing council decided yesterday to
darken the blue.

Besides, the new flag is only temporary, Massoud
Barzani, the head of the governing council this month,
said yesterday at a press conference. "It will stand
for a few months until we decide on a flag for Iraq,"
he said.

Prof. Frederic Pearson, the director of the
nonpartisan Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at
Wayne State University in Detroit, said: "This flag
will symbolize mostly the view that an illegitimate
U.S. occupation has produced a flag."

Responding to criticism yesterday, the flag's
designer, Rifat Chaderchi, 77, a London-based
architect and writer, said: "I didn't think about
Israel. Political opinions don't concern me. I
approached the design from a graphic point of view."

There has also been confusion about the process that
gave rise to the new design. A spokesman for the
governing council, Hameed Kafaei, said the design was
the result of a competition in which 30 proposals had
been submitted. The Independent, a London newspaper,
however, reported yesterday that the designer had been
given the assignment over the phone by his brother,
Nasir Chaderchi, who is a prominent Sunni member of
the council.

The flag's designer said that he received a call a few
months ago from his brother, asking him to submit a
proposal. The only guidelines, he said, were to
present Iraq as a Western country and to include
references to the past. He said his inspiration was
simple flags like those of Canada and Switzerland.

Michael Bierut, a partner in the design firm
Pentagram, who worked on the graphics of United's new
budget airline, Ted, also believes the council might
have jumped the gun by unfurling a flag before the
Iraqi people had elected a government.

"They apparently wanted to create a symbol first and
then build a consensus and a democratic society around
it," Mr. Bierut said. "But it's a symbol for something
that doesn't exist yet."

The new flag has a blue Islamic crescent on a white
field and three stripes. Two stripes are blue,
symbolizing the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and the
Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam, and the third is
yellow, representing the Kurdish minority. The words
"Allahu akbar" (God is great), added to the flag by
Saddam Hussein, have been removed, along with three

While Iraqi officials said that the blue crescent
might be replaced with red or gold, the new color
scheme is still a radical departure from flag designs
in most other Islamic countries. These traditionally
contain the colors green (the prophet Muhammad's
favorite), red as a symbol of Arab nationalism and
white and black, referring to the battle standards of
medieval Islamic dynasties.

For Hayes Roth, the vice president for worldwide
marketing at Landor Associates, tweaking a country's
image is an exercise similar to creating a consumer
product like toothpaste. "You have to understand the
target audience, the core message and brand promise,"
said Mr. Roth, whose company repackaged the images of
Pittsburgh, Jordan and Hong Kong, when that former
British colony reverted to Chinese rule.

Many countries have successfully retooled an image
with a flag makeover. When South Africa emerged from
the apartheid era, the government considered roughly
7,000 proposals for a new flag to reflect for the
first time the country's multiethnic population.
Rwanda removed red and black, reminders of blood and
mourning, from its post-genocide flag and instead used
vibrant sky blue, yellow and green.

Flags are often hoisted or swept away in defiant
gestures as regimes change, but they can fuel passions
during peacetime, too. "Flags are Rorshach blots on
which people project their hopes and fears, loyalties
and hatreds," Mr. Bierut said.

The Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas proposed replacing
the European Union's austere flag — a blue field with
yellow stars — with a multicolor bar code, a
suggestion that was met with disdain and discarded. A
British group that recommended adding black trim to
the Union Jack for the commonwealth's nonwhite
population drew fire.

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