OMG! The Guardian! We must all believe the crap Guardian, whose man in Moscow doesn't 
even speak Russian.

Putin is referring to Wahabbi jihadis, not the 20 million Russian Muslims represented 
by the guy below.

All-Russian Social Political Movement EURASIA
Moscow, June 28, 2001

  Theses of the address of Sheikh-ul-Islam TALGHAT TAJUDDIN
Supreme Mufti, Representative of the Central Spiritual Board of Muslims for
Russia and the East-European countries of CIS

1. Extremist heresies in the history of Islam
The Islamic tradition has a centuries-old history. This history had
different stages. The world of Islam is multifaceted and dynamically
evolving. Sometimes not without contradictions.
We know that since the very beginning there were oppositions between Shiites
and Karidjites. There were many doctrinal disputations. The Shiites
themselves were split. The same historically occurred to the followers of
other confessions.
Gradually in the Islamic tradition four madhhabs (doctrinal schools) were
established. Each of them represents the traditional Islam.
The historically traditional Islam was opened to cultural and spiritual
customs. It honoured the Abrahamic ones   Judaism and Christianity. It
accepted the traditions of other peoples, honouring their belief in the
Only Creator.
Canonical expression of Islam became the tariqat, the brotherhoods, the
sects, the mystical orders.
But sometimes at the rim of this world there were heretical movements and
sects. They lay outside the borders of traditional madhhabs, advancing
religious and political theses withdrawing from a traditional Islam on
impermissible critical spacing intervals.
Such were the Fatimide khalifate, the Mahadist rebellion and other
manifestations. Sometimes heresy did arise in the Islamic world, as a rule
in the form of violent, terrorist practices. It meant the rejection of the
traditional madhhabs, the exit from the borders of orthodox Islam. It was
innovation, display of arrogance, which pushed the fanatics  leaders to deny
the Islamic rules, setting aside their fidelity to the original Islam, as a
matter of fact introducing innovations in the true religion.
In practice this was accompanied by fanaticism, religious intolerance,
coercion, cruelty. Fanaticism, intolerance and coercion in belief are
already in themselves distinctive signs of a break with a Islam, with our
tradition of the Prophet Mohammed (a.s.s.)   see how the Sacred Koran
insists  There is no coercion in belief , and the forerunner of the Prophet,
about their adult children who accepted Christianity before their parents
accepted a Islam, he invokes the people to lean not on ignorance and
fanaticism, but on a weighted and reasonable judgement of the world created
by the Most High God by the Creator and realised according to His omen.
 Will you really be equal, you who know and those who do not know?   May you
understand!  (Koran)

2. Contemporary extremism with the islamic face
Also in the contemporary world there is such contribution of heresies to
Islam, which contradict our belief both in the letter and in spirit, both in
theory and in practice.
It is difficult to distinguish at first sight this fabrication from Islam.
It satanically enters the ranks of Islam, it makes use of its symbols. But
in spirit it has nothing in common with the true divine Islam.
Such radical doctrines are concretely the doctrine of the  Muslim Brother
Hasan al-Banni, Wahhabism, Salafyism, the Pakistani Tabliq sect, originating
the Talibani movement, and other similar phenomena.
These phenomena are doctrinal heresies, they introduce into traditional
Islam no lesser innovations than the so-called  islamic modernists  do. They
affirm that all present forms of Islam are false, and only their doctrine,
insisting on the literal execution of the orders of their leaders, is true
in the last resort.
Spirit of reasonable choice, personal dignity of man, spontaneity of belief,
respect for the peoples of the  Scriptures  and all the others   all this is
simply absent from these movements, which might be called as totalitarian
sects of pseudo-islamic kind.
They also change the social meaning of the Islamic world-view. This is not
simple  politicised Islam , it would be wrong to consider it so   it is
 politicised heresy . Islam does not insist that all Muslims compulsory
follow definite rules of moral, ethics, conduct, being guided in private and
public life by the religious establishing of traditional Islam. Extremist
Fanatics change this quite traditional setting into compulsory godliness,
into a completely different pattern: they require literal observance to
their own rules, invented by them, and call violence on everyone who does
not obey them,.
Every Islamic term is exposed by them to a distortion.
In Islam there is the concept of  jihad , of  holy war . First of all it
means  al-jihad-ul-kabir , the Great War, which each Muslim believer must
wage inside himself against defects, ignorance and evil. The  Small holy
war  ( al-jihad-ul-sagir ) is led against those who brings violence and
anger into the world, who deny belief and truth, who introduce lie, cruelty
and intolerance, who aim at oppressing the peoples, at depriving them of
their freedom. An example of real jihad was for the Muslims the Great
Patriotic War, the war against the Nazi occupiers. And the first to set the
banner of  Victory  above the Reichstag were the Muslim-Russians from
Bashkortostan, and this despite of the 14,5 thousand mosques destroyed
during the Stalin years. So in the course of the centuries the devout
Muslims shared joys and sorrows of the Great Russia Homeland with their
Orthodox brothers-countrymen.
Jihad is always war against evil and violence.
The sectarians-fanatics completely overturn this concept, proclaiming the
so-called  jihad  against everyone who disagrees with them, so against the
whole world. This has no more relation at all to Islam. Islam allows to use
violence only as a means of last resort, and only against those who clearly
showed their evil intents, and this means aggressors, rapists, killers. In
all the remaining cases, the shariah calls for indulgence and exhortation.
This is not at all the case of the extremists. Violence here becomes the
fundamental law, violence against their own, against the others, against
practically everybody.
Without noticing it, the so-called  islamists  invoke on their own head the
true jihad. Challenging all the peoples of the Earth, and first of all
traditional Islam, professed by the overwhelming majority of the Islamic
world, these forces put themselves in opposition to Islam. And reacting
against them is a religious, moral, social and political duty of each
Alas, in some Islamic countries   particularly in Saudi Arabia   there is a
tolerant attitude (to say the least) towards the representatives of this
tendency. Thus there is a precedent of indulgence and even connivance to
these regimes which   in the unstable, crisis-bound regions of the Islamic
world   results in criminal consequences: surging terrorism and violence,
large scale war and even genocide. The departing from the traditions of true
Islam in theoretical questions necessarily results in such destructive
It is necessary to affirm unequivocally: the deviation from traditional
Islam, from the bases of our belief, the aspiration to reinterpretate in
one s own way the provisions of the Koran and the Sunna, to distort the
sense of the shariah laws to the benefit of an aggressive extremist minority
  this is even more dangerous than the process of modernisation of Islam.
Aiming at defending Islam from the entry of non-islamic factors, islamists
themselves quit Islam, break away with tradition, follow the fire of
arrogance which has always been the main instrument of Ibliz-devil.
The Talibans have blown up the ancient Buddha statues. In this way not only
they profaned a relic of many Buddhist nations of the world, not only they
deprived mankind of unique monuments of ancient culture; they also put
themselves above their own ancestors and the million Muslims which lived in
the territory of Afghanistan for centuries and whose spiritual exploits and
achievement are by no means comparable with such aggressive half-learned
maniacally ambitious rabble, forming the core of Talibani. But the also
broke the prohibition of Allah, so that their adoration will offend the Most
High God Allah and sin will fall on those who   on a sacred land, where the
envoy of Allah and his forerunners stepped   became the reason of this
blasphemy. And are they not   under the slogan of  protecting  Islam
sending tons and tons of narcotics to Russia, the CIS, and even farther,
pretending, in this way, to be corrupting the enemy? But you see, for Islam
all people since the beginning of the Koran envoy are  Ummatut-da va    the
community of the invoking, even those did not believe.
That is why the wahhabite and salaafyite extremist fanatics blast tombs of
Islamic saints and mazars   both in Afghanistan and in Dagestan, in Chechnya
and in Tadjikistan. The sacredness of the ancestors for them is nothing,
just a living rebuke. These fanatics not only attack and destroy the
religious attributes of other faiths, but also the same Islamic relics. So
how it is possible to talk about an Islamic threat? When the world is filled
with heroin not only from Afghanistan, but from Southern America and
Southeast Asia! So, who is the director?
The threat really exists, but it stems not from Islam but from completely
different sources, and this threat is terrible above all for the Muslims,
just because it is manifested to the whole world under the name of Islam.
I shall account the reasons why:
- The fanatics-extremist of wahhabite kind use their charisma to recruit
young people whose soul is not yet strong, aiming to exploit their warm
belief, tempting them with aggressive propaganda, simplifications of
primitive concepts, material subsidies from the clergy and the so-called
centres. So we, the Muslims, lose best part of our people, the younger, who
perish in the net of Iblis;
- These forces, acting ostensibly under our slogans and banners, actually
discredit a Islam as such, cause the non-Muslims to refer to the Muslims
with diffidence and fright, throw a shadow on all Muslims, handicap out
active cooperation with other peoples;
- They distort the essence of our belief, give away our true tradition, high
divinity and spiritual rituals in exchange for quickly blinding substitutes,
primitive prescriptions, blind following behind the leaders.
To the other faiths this is easier, they see this threat from the outside.
Such threat can be insulated, exiled, suppressed, eventually, by forceful
methods. To us, Muslims, this terrible illness comes also from the inside.
Therefore we must be the vanguard of the fight with extremist pseudo-islamic
tendencies and become a barrier against the odious plans of the
international narco-business and other benevolent sponsors of the  holy
war . Killing the infection to the roots, not waiting while the wahhabites
will declare this or that zone as a territory under their own control,
untying terror and violence and spreading blood.
These tendencies are necessary for counteracting also at the theoretical
level, in its embryo stage, not permitting in our mosques and bookshelves
the extremist propaganda   not only open, but also veiled.
Even the idea of the so-called  pure Islam ,  Salafiysm , the idea of
wahhabism and other similar currents already hide the attempt to deeply
corrupt Islam. Denying traditional Islam, appealing for its radical reform,
salafiys and wahhabites break the thin balance of Islamic tradition between
spiritual and secular, formal and inner. And terrorist activity is just the
straight consequence.
If we want to cope with this threat, we must fight it in the embryo stage.

3. The role of traditional Islam in the settlement of the Caucasian crisis

The situation in Chechnya results from many factors - social, historical,
national, cultural and psychological. The conflict has a long history and
was differently formulated at its different stages. It must be noticed that
actually the Islamic element appeared on the foreground in Chechnya rather
late, when the conflict was already in ignited.
Nevertheless, it was just the interposition of militants of heretical
islamism, the activation of pseudo-islamic extremism of sects of wahhabite
kind, that added the whole situation its dramatic, bloody character, and
created a situation of virtual civil war in the Caucasus.
Wahhabites and Salafyites introduced in the complex Chechen situation the
element of fanaticism and extremism, formed an autonomous pole which from a
certain time became a self-supporting and inextinguishable source of bloody
military conflict.
Precisely due to the wahhabite influence, Chechnya became a gravity centre
for the most fanatical and heretical pseudo-islamic groups. And when the
situation became more or less to be stabilised, this wahhabite the pole was
responsible of a new surge of violence, the aggression against Dagestan.
Wahhabism and Salafyism are completely alien to traditional Chechen Islam,
which, vice-versa, is distinguished by fidelity to the traditions of the
ancestors, the cult of virds, the universal diffusion of Sufi brotherhoods,
and its taypi [tribal] organization of society. All this is incompatible
with wahhabism, and against this traditional Chechen Islam was directed the
aggression of those who took the lead of armed resistance. In this case the
extremists have come to the correct (for themselves) conclusion: without the
destruction of traditional Islam in Chechnya, it would be impossible to
subordinate this people to their will, to make of them a pawn in the complex
geopolitical game.
We see a symbolical fact: leader of flatland Chechnya became the
representative of Muslim clergy, mufti Ahmad Kadirov, conscious that the
threat to the Islam in Chechnya stems from this wahhabite extremism, and
that Russia acts in this case not as an opponent of Islam, but as its ally.
And Russia ha acknowledged this in practice, having made of the Head of the
Chechen Muslims the first person in the Chechen Republic.
But also in Mountain Chechnya   where today acts of war against federal
forces continue   the wahhabites  victory is only superficial. The majority
of the population, and even of the armed squads, belong to traditional
Islam. Now it is their turn to realise the threat which lays inside this
politicised heresy, this totalitarian sect   with its multinational
mercenaries and international terrorist groups   against the people of
Chechnya. More and more Muslims realise in what trap they have got.
Our problem, of all Russian Muslims, as Central Spiritual Board of the
Muslims (CSMM), and Coordination centre of the Central Spiritual Board of
the Muslims of Northern Caucasus, and in a broader sense of all the Muslims
of the CIS and foreign Islamic countries, where the majority professes the
traditional Islam, is to help settling this bloody conflict and establishing
peace and consent. Our brotherly Muslim Chechen people, traditionally
professing our Belief, became the victim of a totalitarian sect, its blood
continues to be poured.
And how is it possible to speak about the threat of Islam, when victims of
the extremists under islamic banners become predominantly the Muslims, in
this case the Chechens? The international mercenaries come and go at their
own will, but what can the people do, who lived for centuries on the Chechen
ground and wants to live there for centuries on?
We, Muslims, cannot stay indifferent to this question. Our belief, Islam,
demands that we actively take part in the settlement of the conflict,
especially since there is already a very correct - on my sight - solution to
this conflict   an Eurasian solution. Its sense is granting the Chechen
people a large degree of cultural, ethnic, spiritual and even juridical
autonomy in the composition of a united Eurasian State   Russia. Each side
will reach the purpose, but most of all the winner shall be the Islamic
world, the ummah, in which Russia will show the whole world the true, shiny
and humane face of Islam   the resignation in the hands of the Most High God
Creator, the complete love of God and His creatures; a deep and original
Islam, coming to rescue whenever they distort his sense, subvert its
tradition, turn religion into heresy and substitute its true contents with a
false one here, in Russia, on the soil of our Homeland, the granary of our
eternal life.  The State has an irredeemable debt to you , - was declared by
President V.V.Putin recently during his meeting with the Presidium of the
Russian CSBM in the Ufa counciliary mosque  Lyalya-Tulip . But we, the
Muslim Russia, we are not from Africa, our Homeland is here. We wish peace
and consent and prosperity on its sacred soil, and pray for this the Most
High Allah. The rest is in the hands of Allah   to Him we belong.
The threat of pseudo-islam or  islamism  is a threat first of all to Islam,
and our duty is to courageously   as it is necessary to the true Muslims
 answer this threat.
Together with Russia, together with Eurasia, together with all the people of
good will Islam is not threat, but the offer of choosing the truth.
The most effective remedy against false Islam is the true Islam.
Allah akhbar! Glory to the Most High Allah Creator of the worlds does not
have enmity, except for as to the one who outrages feature legal and sow
hatred, wrath and violence.

Trans. M.Conserva


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