Chris Doss wrote:

See how different things look when you bother to examine primary sources and don't rely on on crappy British newspapers?

Actually, I find the British press quite useful.

The Observer
June 1, 2003

Blair lauds Putin's handling of Chechen rebellion

BYLINE: Nick Paton Walsh, St Petersburg

TONY BLAIR yesterday delivered a glowing endorsement of President
Vladimir Putin's much-criticised policy in war-torn Chechnya, as part of
efforts to heal the rift with the Kremlin over Iraq.

Blair's comments are certain to arouse controversy, praising as they do
a referendum held under Russian martial law for a new constitution in
which the Chechens would give up their separatist claims in exchange for
limited autonomy under Russian supervision.

The referendum took place against a background of appalling human rights
abuses, including 'disappearances' orchestrated by the Russian military
and continuing violence which saw five Russian soldiers die yesterday in
fighting against rebels.

'Russia is absolutely right in trying to solve (the problem) through
political dialogue. The referendum is a good step forward,' said Blair
in St Petersburg yesterday, referring to the widely criticised poll for
a new constitution, giving Chechnya limited autonomy in exchange for
giving up separatist claims.

Putin tried to persuade world leaders gathered in St Petersburg that his
policies were leading to a return to normal political life in Chechnya.
The Kremlin has portrayed the approval in March of a Chechen
constitution as a key step toward restoring stability - a claim belied
by the continuing violence.

Human rights groups will be stunned by Blair's comments, because of the
conduct of Russian military forces in Chechnya and because voting
standards for the referendum were widely questioned.

The Council of Europe's special representative on Chechnya, Lord Judd,
resigned because he felt the concept of an open referendum was farcical
in a republic under martial law, where hundreds of people are abducted
by Russian security forces every year.

Yesterday, however, the topic was largely avoided as Blair and President
George Bush sought to build bridges with Russia.

Bush yesterday spearheaded efforts to heal the rift between Washington
and Europe, spelling out an American vision of Europe's future, hours
before pressing the flesh at glittery celebrations in the hometown of
his 'close friend' Putin.

St Petersburg's tricentennial celebrations climaxed last night when the
G8 leaders and 40 other participants graced a spectacular water-
and-music show at the historic palace of Peterhof.

The meeting, originally intended as a European showcase for Putin's
Russia, became a series of photo-opportunities for Bush and Blair to
heal their differences over Iraq with Russia, France and Germany.

Bush sought to pull Europe, 'both old and new', back towards the US,
using a visit earlier to the site of the Nazi extermination camp of
Auschwitz in Poland to evoke memories of a long history of Europe and
America cooperating 'against evil'.

In Krakow he told the Polish people: 'You have not come all this way,
through occupations and tyranny and brave uprisings, only to be told
that you must now choose between Europe and America. This is no time to
stir up divisions in a great alliance. This is a time for all of us to
unite in the defence of liberty, and to step up to the shared duties of
free nations.'

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