At 9:33 PM +0800 6/22/04, Grant Lee wrote:

"How Milosevic won and exercised power"

Serbia under Milosevic: politics in the 1990s"
By Robert Thomas
Hurst & Company, London, 1999

Review by Chris Slee
The main opposition parties believe in "free market" economics. They
also share the regime's chauvinism, differing only in degree.

Many activists in Serbia's independent union movement and other
grassroots movements are opposed to the chauvinism of Milosevic and
the bourgeois opposition. But these movements are not given the
attention they deserve in Thomas' book, which focuses on the main
bourgeois parties and their leaders.

I just did a search using the keyword Serbia at the Green Left Weekly website. The last GLW articles focused on politics in Serbia were published in 2001, _three years ago_. The GLW, as well as most other outsiders on the left, quit paying attention to the constituent republics of former Yugoslavia. Few of them gave a damn about "Serbia's independent union movement" or "other grassroots movements opposed to the chauvinism of Milosevic and the bourgeois opposition," however often they mentioned them back then. Hence no report on them since Serbia ceased to matter to the joint Euro-American imperial exercise to flex their NATO muscle.

Cf. "A decade of war has left much poverty in Serbia and Montenegro
in Southeastern Europe. The unemployment rate has reached 40 percent
and hospitals are poorly equipped" (Tim Martin, Plain Dealer, June
20, 2004,

Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia, Croatia, and Slovenia have also fallen
beneath the radar of leftist publications.

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