
Leaving aside my admitted hyperbole and your Hitchens bait, I can't imagine
how any socialist familiar with the history of Yugoslavia in the 1990s,
would want to claim Milosevic as one of their own. If you don't have a low
opinion of him now, I can't imagine what it would take to change your mind.

> > As I recall, it was when the NATO air forces started bombing capital
> > equipment belonging to Milosevic's business cronies that he started to
> > the white flag.
> You seem to have a soft spot for the interventions in Yugoslavia and
> Iraq, don't you.

It would be truer to say that I don't see the point in taking sides, when
two gangs of reactionaries are killing each other and no amount of pleading
will save the innocent bystanders. On the other hand I could have a "soft
spot" for any imperial intervention if I thought it was genuinely popular
among the _alleged_ beneficiaries --- as in the case of Bosnians, Albanian
Kosovars, East Timorese, Kurds, Solomon Islanders and so on. And they, after
all, are the ones who had to live with what went before.

> > http://www.greenleft.org.au/back/1999/366/366p24.htm
> A group that has good politics on most questions, but who unfortunately
> accomodated themselves to Croatian nationalism.

GLW is, or has been, uneven in quality and coverage, but this is a strange
allegation. In the first place, what does Croatia have to do with Kosovo?
In the second place, when I did a quick search of the GLW web archives I
found that the vast majority of the articles specifically about Croatia
dated from the early 90s and many were, understandably, critical of Croatian



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