
> Hey, didn't you read what Michael said about nastiness?  

It is you who is nasty, not I. I am just responding in kind.

> If I weren't such a thick-skinned, jolly, all around sweet 
> guy I might be tempted to answer in kind.  

What a coincidence that we used the same phrase. I must be learning your

> I'm just thankful that my Marxist retirement plan investment 
> portfolio doesn't include any Lira denominated instruments.

Now, this is of course an insult but as you know, I keep "insulting" you
guys all the time.

After all, you are just some "westerners" who are not capable of opening
their hearts, not even capable of confessing to yourselves that most of your
actions are driven by your hearts, not by your brains.

Now, maybe this has something to do with those social relations Marx was
talking about.



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