David wrote:

>I am a reductionist, as some of you may
>remember from a previous exchange.  Therefore, I insist on
>narrowing issues to their most basic.

You write: "I insist on narrowing issues to their most basic."

I do, too, sir.

Survival. Ability to raise kids. Dignity.

My dad was working class for his whole life. And that is as reductionist
as I can imagine. (And the most "basic" is what Karl and Fred talked
about. Read them. Reductionists both.)

The issues that made Dad keep his job, as told to me on my mother's
knee, was "We can't leave the union". She said it many times.

Is that reductionist? Or were they stupid? Like Karl and Fred? grin


If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children
would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of
          -- Lenny Bruce

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