In a message dated 7/9/2004 1:53:58 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
That reminds me. I've been meaning to research how Hitler came to power.
You have to remember that the German SP was the ABB of its day, except
that it was ABH instead. They kept backing lesser evils until they got
the most evil lesser evil in Hindenberg who virtually turned over the
power to Hitler once in power.
With Hitler's rise, you got WWII and the extermination of the Jews.
Today, it won't be anything that dramatic unless some crazed terrorist
gets a hold of a nuclear device and sets it off in Soho. Goodbye, Starbucks.
What a bizarre revision of world history. With German fascism and its aftermath you first and foremost had 22 million Soviets dead and 40 million wounded. Billions in property destroyed and Europa in ruins. This does not mean six million Jews were not killed but reveals ones point of view. Is 20 million plus 40 million . . . plus Europe in ruins more than six million?
How bizarre.
Melvin P.


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