Paul wrote:
I have not followed Sachs closely in most recent times but I think he would
strongly object to being called a 'man of the left'.  I have heard him
point out that his macroeconomic views are thoroughly mainstream (akin to
his Harvard ex-colleagues) and that indeed starting in Bolivia and Poland
he argues that liberalization and market reforms had to proceed *faster*
and more comprehensively than the IMF or the WB had thought possible (hence
the appellation 'shock therapy').

I have refrained from saying anything about Jeffrey Sachs or (Joseph Stiglitz) being more to the left than other economists, especially in their role as window dressing at Columbia University--my employer. But one of these days, probably after I retire, I'll have plenty to say about the shock therapy that can go on at a place like Columbia University under the noses of these people.

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