Louis Proyect wrote:
> En lucha
> Jim Blaut

This reminds me of an argument I was never able to have with Jim. In the
context of a different discussion he remarked in a post on the marxism
list that if one knew all the facts involved one would not have to study
the relations among them. As I say, it was a parenthetical remark and it
was not until almost a year later in wandering through some old posts
that I came across it. Hence the lack of any discussion with him on the
point. (I have a hard copy of the post someplace but currently all my
printouts are in one chaotic pile and I wouldn't be able to put my hands
on it. Until I do regard this as a remembered paraphrase, not as Jim's
precise words.)

But he was profoundly wrong on that, though how much it influenced his
thought and practice in general I do not know.


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