From: Michael Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/04 10:13 AM >>>
(Thomas Frank's new book "What's Wrong With Kansas" argues implicitly
that the Democrats lose elections because they are identified with the
wrong side of the "culture wars".

nah, mainstream poli sci guys christopher achen and larry bartels have
much better explanation, they've convincingly shown impact of droughts,
flu, shark attacks, etc. on electoral responses, for example, 1916 shark
attacks (that inspired peter benchley's novel 'jaws') along new jersey
beaches resulted in 10% decline from 1912 in beach town votes for
woodrow wilson...

Hmm, well I think we can rule out shark attacks as a factor in the decline of the Kansas left. The American heartland remains shrouded in mystery.


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