At 8:05 PM -0700 7/18/04, sartesian wrote:
Dumped George Bush?  Not hardly.   Put 200 million into his campaign and he
hasn't, and they haven't, started yet.  Kerry?  That's call hedging the
position.  You don't dump somebody by place a 200 million dollar bet.
Dump Bush  Oh no, they love this love-child of Ronald Reagan, and I do mean
THEY, collective, plural, class.  He embodies everything they hold to be
self-evident, those natural virtues -- venality, vindictiveness,

There will be a rump faction that continues to support Bush, but the rest have probably already made the decision that Bush does more harm than good for them. I think that $200 million is not a particularly large sum for the ruling class. -- Yoshie

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