>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/23/04 3:29 AM >>>
I don't think that it was worth leftists' time to fight to have
Howard Dean nominated, as Dean's agenda in some crucial respects
(especially on Iraq) went against leftists', but, supposing that
there were left-of-center liberal folks who really, really, wanted to
nominate him as the Democratic presidential candidate, it's now clear
that it takes much more than internet communication to win in the
caucuses and primaries.
Besides, the MoveOn model is strictly one-way communication from the
center to the margins (unlike the Dean model), far more centralized
and undemocratic than any other organization on the left side of the
political spectrum.

And there is a reason why reforms and mobilizations did not last
beyond Washington's death.

The US-style electoral system strongly acts against party-building,
but it's better to have a political party like the Green Party than a
Washington-style campaign, which is doomed to remain in one location
and destined to die with the person with whom mobilization is
inseparably associated.
agree re. leftists trying to get dean nominated which has nothing to do
with suggestion i made several days ago, agree also re. moveon although
democratic character of lots of groups generally is debatable...

as for what happened in chicago following washington's death, there's
not *a* reason why things turned, there's bunch of them incuding:
racism, daley machine,
Washington's death re-opened bitter struggle among various  political
factions and activists, movement (which is what was happening rather
than personal-style campaign) might not have succeeded anyway given
competitive character of 'global  city' that literally responds to
dictates of global capital markets  *and/or* dominance of urban 'growth

i previously indicated that example was partial and pointed out as well
that washington role was problem for long run (in short run, he helped
hold some things and folks together), attempt should be judged on basis
of what it was able to accomplish in brief time under very trying
circumstances and for its potential (among other things, independent
political party was being organized)...

responses to my initial post conveyed, by and large, varying degrees of
making quantitative leap from my modest suggestion all the way to
presidential electoral politics (by such measures *all" attempts will
fail), pervasive problem imo...

think i'll leave it at that, michael hoover (checking in for last time
from ann arbor
where i ran into al haber - an sds founder - the other day, he's trying
to rekindle sds as 'students' for dem society on one hand, seniors for
dem society on other)

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