Michael Hoover wrote:

>people do different things, as for doug, he's a reporter (he may think 
>of himself in other terms), i've indicated number of times in past 
>impact that i think this has on his perspective re. certain things

To which Doug Henwood replied:

I usually say "journalist," but I won't complain about reporter. I'm
clearly not objective, in the New York Times-approved sense, but getting
involved in party politics would ruin whatever credibility I have - and
I don't have a lot of time to spare anyway. According to the old formula
for policial action - agitate, educate, and organize
- I concentrate on the first two. There are plenty of people around to
handle the third.


Response Jim C: First of all, I have always seen these dimensions of
political action as dialectially united and inseparable with each
dimension informing, shaping and testing the others. It is through
organizing and organizing goals/imperatives for example, that one
directs, sees and tests effectiveness--or lack of effectiveness--on the
agitational and educational fronts. Plus, real-world organizing often
provides the raw data and information (outside of ideologically
cherry-picked sources of data, methodologies and data)for effective
agitation and education.

On the issue of "objectivity", I have always thought of degree of
"objectivity" being a function of--and defined by--degrees of
intellectual honesty, humility and courage along with methodological
rigor--without fear or favor--as opposed to some supposed/asserted
"non-bias" (the only people not "biased" are those in comas, dead or so
brain damaged as not to know what planet they are on). In this sense,
the NYT (not "all the news that fit to print" but rather all the news
that is print to fit"--the interests of the ruling class) meets none of
tests or definitions of "objectivity." 

On the issue of self-identity and self-identification, I have always
defined myself not in terms of my primary occupation for purposes of
earning a living--in my case an academic--but rather in terms of my core
values and yes, biases--anti-Imperialist, anti-racist, anti-colonialist,
anti-fascist, anti-capitalist...

Jim C.

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