On measuring the unmeasurable, 3.5 centuries ago, Sir William Petty, was devising ways to measure the economy.
I wonder how silly we will look in the future, unless we continue to destroy the future. Routh, Guy. 1977. The Origin of Economic Ideas (New York: Vintage). 45: In comparing wealth of Holland and Zealand, he takes 2 guesses by 2 other people, doesn't like the result and so uses his own guess. He estimates the population of France from a book that says that it has 27,000 parishes and another that says that it would be extraordinary if a parish had 600 people. He estimates 500 people per parish and a population of 13.5 million. -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929 Tel. 530-898-5321 E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu