--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Give me a break. These so called national movement
> . . .  I also have
> Yugoslavia in mind . . . are utterly reactionary
> movements of and  led by the
> bourgeoisie and none of them even talk about
> improving the life of  the proletariat
> as proletariat. Minister Louis helps more black
> proletarians and  advocates an
> economic program for them . . . than the
> reactionaries in Chechnya  and the
> Ukraine.

Reactionary is an understatement. The Chechen
militants make Mussolini look progressive. ("Death to
the cities! Apartment buildings are the bane of
humanity!") If you'd like I've got some primary
sources on this in Russian I can translate and send.
To my knowledge they are unavailable in English.

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