It is difficult to understand Putin's organization without understanding
its reliance on oil. In the 1980's, the Soviet Union was the world's
largest producer of crude, ahead of Saudi Arabia. The bulk of the 12
million barrels produced each day fueled the Soviet economy and its
anemic satellites in Eastern Europe, Cuba and North Korea. Yet there was
enough left over -- about two million barrels a day -- for customers
outside the Soviet bloc who would pay hard currency. This was an
Achilles' heel for the Soviets. According to ''Reagan's War,'' a book by
Peter Schweizer, ''C.I.A. analysts had concluded that for every
one-dollar drop in the price of a barrel of oil, Moscow would lose
between $500million and $1 billion per year in critical hard currency.''

The Soviet empire was not extortionary, in the sense of providing a
bounty of riches to the imperial center, as India and other colonial
holdings had done for Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries; instead,
it was a drain on Moscow. Without oil, the heirs of Lenin would have had
great difficulty subsidizing their needy allies, their globe-spanning
navy, their 45,000 nuclear weapons, their four-million-man army, their
record-setting Olympians and their space stations. Oil was, in many
ways, more crucial to the Kremlin than ideology.

Russian production dropped by nearly half following the Soviet collapse
in 1991. The industry's recovery has been a key goal of Putin's
government; just as the Soviet Union needed oil to finance its empire,
Putin needs oil for his more modest task, to get Russia back on its
feet. Since 1999, production has risen by 50 percent, thanks to an
influx of investment and the incentive of rising oil prices. Russia is
now the second-largest exporter of oil after Saudi Arabia. According to
a World Bank report this year, energy revenues account for 20 percent of
Russia's economy and the bulk of its exports. In other words, Russia has
become something of an oil state.



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