Michael Perelman wrote:

I don't see any more reason to demonize ABB people than to demonize Nader people.
Both sides see themselves as promoting the left albeit by different routes.

I am sorry, Michael. This is not "demonizing":

"Frankly, I consider the ABB phenomenon to be almost unparalleled on the
left. To have ostensibly radical personalities like Tariq Ali implicitly
urging a vote for Kerry (he seems to have mastered the Earl Browder art
of obfuscation in not actually saying as much) tells me that we have
reached a turning-point in US politics."

When Tariq Ali was reported to be a Dean supporter, I wrote him an email
trying to pin him down. He said that he didn't actually call for a vote
for Dean but thought that it would inspire people to see Bush voted out
of office. In my view, this is Browderism raised to the level of art. I
guess being a novelist (even a modestly successful one) prepares you for
this kind of dexterity with language. I prefer straight-shooting myself.

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