David wrote:

>I was never good at geography.

That's apparent.

>The argument was made that a socialist economy would put more
>emphasis on transportation safety than a capitalist economy.
>Seems plausible.  Silly me, I though one way to test that
>thesis was to examine and compare the actual products produced
>by the respective systems.

Yes, I like comparisons, too. You seem to be saying you are also one of
those people. Comparing things also involves the "backstory" and not
merely the object (and its immediate tools of creations -- themselves
being things).

>How about West and East Germany?  Can't complain about
>different historical development.

I think most might agree that there is a very different historical
development between the parts of Germany that were east and west. Check
it out. Pretty main stream.

And, after the war, the east had a different trajectory, as well, based
on need of the conquering powers. You seem to know history... help me
out here... Which one of the two countries that has "US" in its
acronym... which one lost about 25 million people in the war... and had
cities bombed, occupied, dismantled, bombed again...

>I stand by the position that if you refuse to consider
>historical evidence and insist on speculating about
>what could happen in utopia:  cop out.

I say the same thing! Brother, we've found each other at last!


To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.
          -- Cicero (doing his Zen thing)

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