On Saturday, August 14, 2004 at 07:18:13 (-0700) andie nachgeborenen writes:
>Do we really know at all what a socialist society would do about
>transportation safety? I think trying to predict from the hostory of
>Stalinist societies is a very shaky guide. A socialist society, as
>most conceive it in this list, would be one where there would be a
>lot more democratic input into decisions about how much weight to
>give values like transportation safety. Of course the very hallmark
>of Stalinism was that there was very little democratic input into
>such decisions. So you can't tell much from what people would do when
>they had no say about what they might do if they had a real say. Now,
>we might guess that if they had a say they would prefer to be safer,
>but (as this thread began) safety competes with other things that
>might matter a lot to them too. Cost in resources, availability of
>transportation, etc. So it's not really possible to say how the
>debate would come out beforehand. jks

The distinction between Stalinist societies that appropriated the name
"socialist" and those based upon real democratic input is absolutely


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