--- andie nachgeborenen

> I agree with your reservations about the term
> Stalinism, I just don't have a better one.
> I agree with  about the good Czar with under
> Stalinism, but that is not an example of socialist
> democracy -- I don't think you think it is either.
> jks

Incidentally, in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq
with all its "Saddam is a brutal, hated dictator, so
of course nobodt likes him and we will be greeted as
liberators" rhetoric, I kept thinking of Stalin.
Stalin was not hated (by most people). He was
worshipped (by most people). Being a brutal dictator
does not necessarily mean that you are hated or seen
as illegitimate by the people over whom you are
dictating, especially if their historical experience
tells them that power is absolute and arbitrary. For
all I know, Saddam's ruthlessness may have bought him
street cred as a tough guy you don't mess with.

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